Impact Management

Course Description

Welcome to the impact management module. Let us begin with an introduction. Like the other modules on this platform, we started with the ambition to make useful information for social entrepreneurs, and social entrepreneurial students, widely available. The information on impact management is compiled by a group of researchers/teachers/consultants with not only a passion for social entrepreneurship, but also with a strong purpose to make a difference towards what we call a healthy and fairer world. So yes, according to the definition of social entrepreneurship 3.0, we consider ourselves social entrepreneurs.

The information you will find in this module is the result of research on social impact measurement, several consulting assignments in the social sector and our experience in sharing our knowledge with college students. We hope you enjoy it.

This module is structured according to the “5 steps to complete impact management”. It includes both the introduction to what impact exactly is, to making your impact visible, and finally measuring and evaluating it. In the last step you will also find information on developing an impact culture, because our experience taught us that a focus on impact, sustainable impact measurement and optimisation only become reality when the whole organisation is ‘on board’. Each part begins with a short description, followed by more information on how to get started. You will also find examples and links to web pages or videos that we consider interesting.

Key Concepts

As a social entrepreneur/enterprise you will understand why impact management is key for your activities, and reaching your goals. We will introduce a five-step model which covers all aspects of impact management.

Also important is a profound understanding of the Theory of Change and how this relates to the mission of your organisation.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understanding the difference between impact – outcome – output.
  2. Deeper insight into your own motivation to start with impact management.
  3. Demystifying impact measurement.
  4. Learning to create your own Theory of Change.
  5. Recognising the importance of clear and simple communication.
  6. Navigating impact by understanding and applying dashboards.
  7. Recognising the role impact culture plays in sustainable impact management.

We wish you good luck with defining your entrepreneurial and/or organisational impact! We hope you enjoy the learning.