Develop Your Impact Culture

If measuring impact and working in an impact-oriented way is something that is primarily lived by the organisation’s management or communications department, there is probably some work to be done on the impact culture.

An impact-oriented organisational culture starts with the knowledge and the support of the mission and vision by all employees and stakeholders. After all, a mission statement represents the ‘raison d’être’ of an organisation, and the impact it strives to achieve. In all activities and decisions the question can be asked whether they contribute to the mission, as well as in choosing between different options. In this way all noses are pointed at the same goal, but it also becomes clear to everyone how he/she can contribute to this goal. In this way, employees become active owners of the results.

For this it is essential to integrate impact-oriented work into the organisational processes and in the organisational culture. This requires a cultural change to a so called ‘impact culture’. And like any cultural change this is a complex challenge, which will only succeed if approached as a co-creative and learning process in which the entire organisation is involved. 

“In an impact-oriented organisational culture employees know what their own contribution to the organisational mission is. Processes are designed to steer based on data, and failure counts as a learning moment.”

Source: Impactwijzer

To support this, in the next topic you will find :

  • a change model that helps you to maintain an overview of the entire process, plus
  • tips for guiding the multidisciplinary and participative process towards an impact culture.