Balance and Expectations

Developments in our living environment and the digital world are moving fast. Climate crisis, sustainability issues, principles of equality, fair distribution of resources etc. are crying out for attention. All of these factors play a role in conceptualizing of appropriate leadership. What does the current generation, as well as the upcoming ones (Millenials, Gen Z and Generation Alpha) need and how do you fit in?

In this 15 minute long video Simon Sinek speaks on his perspective of millennials in the workplace:

Millennials (Generation Y)

  • anyone born between 1980/1985 – 1995.
  • most millennials have completed their studies.
  • working life has begun.
  • they are digital natives.

As a manager, you want to include them in your team, you want to inspire and influence them.

What are their characteristics, qualities and interests?

Post-Millennials (Generation Z)

  • anyone born between 1995-2010.
  • group of people that has grown up with the internet; it’s like a part of their DNA and had a major influence on their education and way of socialising. 
  • their mastery of technology may make them neglect their interpersonal relationships to a greater extent, but they are also the ones who give more of a voice to social causes on the Internet.

Genration Z

Put yourself authentically in the world : try to be open minded, positively critical, inspired, curious and constantly learning.