Why is a Vision Essential? Part 2

Benefits of a Clear Vision

What are the benefits of a clear vision for your social enterprise?

What are the benefits of a clear vision for the enterprise ´Tony’s Chocolonely`?

  1. Visions form the basis of extraordinary human effort.
  2. Visions provide context for strategic and tactical decisions. 
  3. Visions create cohesion, teamwork and community. 
  4. A vision lays the groundwork for the company to evolve past the dependency on a few key individuals. 
  1. Would you like to be part of the objective of Tony’s?
  2. Would you be willing to pay more for this chocolate bar, both as wholesaler and as well as a consumer?
  3. This example clearly emphasises how all of us as a community can and need to contribute to a better world.

The Belief Circle of Tony Robbins

source: theignitedman.com (click to get to 'Tony Robbins Success Cycle' YouTube video)

This Circle explains how a vision can become reality. Listen to the audio.

Assignment: The Belief Circle of Tony Robbins
Take a piece of paper and contemplate these two questions: What becomes your reality? What does your reality become?

What is the Framework for Your Vision?

The framework consists of three parts:

  1. A vision needs to be an extension of your personal core values and beliefs that, as a result, inform your behaviour. “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.”
  2. The purpose is the fundamental reason for the organisation’s existence in the first place.
  3. Your mission is your bold compelling audacious goal. It has a clear finish line and has a specific time frame.

Assignment: Look in the Mirror

  • Through which glasses (beliefs) do you look at the world?
  • What is your purpose in life?
  • What does your company or the one you work for represent?
  • How do you talk about that?
  • How does it affect your choices and decisions?
  • source: wikipedia.de

    It's not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.

    Have a Vision that Inspires and Challenges Your Team (Simon Sinek)

    A lot of answers to the questions of how to realise a vision that inspires and challenges your team can be found in Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model. 
    The conversation with our key-partners, staff and prospects needs to begin with why our business exists in the first place. We need to find the best-fit collaborators who care about why we’re here. Only then can we talk about howe might be able to solve a problem or need a stakeholder is experiencing. Finally we present what our solution to that problem is, in the form of our company’s product or service.

    further reading

    Do you want to deepen your knowledge about the use of The Golden Circle? Here you can watch Simon Sinek's TED Talk on the concept.

    further material

    Links to additional information and inspiration:

  • Tony Robbins – Belief Cycle
  • How to build winning beliefs
  • Article about the phenomen of self fullfilling prohpecies in social processes
  • Video of Henrik Scheel at TEDxSacramento: How the entrepreneurial mindset can change you
  • Video of Tony Robbins: The success circle
  • Video of Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
  • reflection

    Why a vision is essential: Case assignment

    Choose a social enterprise and imagine you are working for them. The chosen organisation has a task: to organize a 3-hour meeting to create and embed a vision for your team. As a result of the meeting, your manager asks for a visualisation to be used further in the organisation.

    Set up a valuable 3 hour meeting which you will chair that conveys the elements of the course ‘Why is a Vision Essential’. Make sure you include a time schedule as well as a visualised result which summarises the input of the participants and highlights why the vision needs more attention in your organisation.