Introduction to the Module

The module is structured in the following way. The first section, webinar 1 identifies sources of funding, not just suppliers of funding such as the European Union, national government or large charities, for example. There is also consideration of other options such as crowd-funding, social investment and business angels. Events are also considered although it is difficult to build up funds in that way. The first webinar includes some consideration of Social Impact Assessment (SIA), which is increasingly asked for by some providers of funding and two different approaches are presented. It is necessary to show exactly how you will provide evidence of project achievements and outputs.


 Sources of Funding

Writing a bid or tender

Useful tools

The second webinar, webinar 2 describes what is meant by the terms, bid,  tender, PQQ and EOI. There is discussion of how to successfully write a bid or tender and/or if necessary, how to produce a successful pitch deck. Advice on successful bid writing is provided by organisations such as National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), Mid-Sussex Voluntary Association (MSVA), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) based in Australia, the European Union and Donald Rumsfeld!

Finally, the third lesson, webinar 3 is an introduction to tools and matrices that may be useful in determining whether to ‘bid or not to bid’ and also tools to successfully manage the process of bid or tender writing. Some of these tools will have a wider use, you may find them useful for managing projects as well as planning for funding applications.

confused, muddled, illogical

The following video is a short introduction to the module Funding and Tendering.

The aim of this module is to help you make choices about obtaining funding, with an emphasis on writing bids and/ or tenders. What are the sources of funding?… What are the alternatives? Writing a good and successful bid requires planning. It is important to be clear about what you are applying to do? Why are you making the application? Decisions need to be made about who will be involved from your team and who are the target group to be impacted and how are the outputs and outcomes achieved.  This module will help you write successful bids and tenders.

To summarise, we will then look at: Sources of Funding: What is a bid and a tender: How to write a bid or tender, and an introduction to tools and matrices to support decision-making.

40 minutes

The lesson Sources of Funding will take you approximately 40 minutes to complete, if you only follow the explanations. The case assignments will take more time and force you to expand your wings to put the theory into practice to internalise it.

20 minutes

The lesson Writing a Bid or Tender will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete if you only follow the explanations.

20 minutes

The lesson Useful Tools will take you 20 minutes to complete, that is, if you just follow the explanations.